Continued Therapy
Package Savings Program
The Best Local Online Counseling in Tallahassee, FL
If there's one universal truth about humans, it's that at some point in our lives, we have to work through difficult circumstances. When that happens, we often need someone to talk to - someone we can trust who can give us an unbiased opinion or advice. Sometimes, that person is a family member or close friend. In some situations, however, only a qualified professional like a therapist will work. If that sounds familiar, don't be ashamed because you're most certainly not alone. According to recent statistics, in the U.S., approximately 55.8 million adults needed treatment or counseling for mental health reasons in 2022.
If you've been thinking about mental health treatment, you may be considering virtual therapy with an online counselor. Online therapy gives you the chance to connect with licensed therapists and mental health coaches without needing to set foot in a traditional therapy setting. Working with an online therapist can be every bit as effective as seeing an in-person therapist. From anxiety disorders to stress management, virtual therapy provides help for mental health concerns without the need to sit for long periods in a therapist's waiting room. If you're in search of counseling online in Tallahassee, FL, ZenZone Health is among the best choices available.
Online Counseling Services
- The Best Local Online Counseling in Tallahassee, FL
- ZenZone Health: Online Counseling When You Need It Most
- Booking an Online Therapy Session is Easy at ZenZone Health
- Exploring the Many Benefits of Online Counseling in Tallahassee, FL
- When is the Best Time to Seek Counseling Online in Tallahassee, FL?
- Nurturing Your Mental Health One Session at a Time
ZenZone Health: Online CounselingWhen You Need It Most
At ZenZone Health, our team of licensed therapists and mental health coaches are committed to delivering reliable and collaborative mental health care to those who need it most. With extensive experience in our field, we recognize the significance of customized, compassionate treatment for mental health. That's why we approach treatment in a comprehensive manner, taking into account each client's specific needs and wellness goals. Our virtual therapists use evidence-based methods to help clients develop resilience and build coping skills that they can use every day.
We know that reaching out for help when you have mental health challenges can be tough, which is why we always offer a welcoming, non-judgmental atmosphere for our clients. We emphatically believe that everyone should have access to quality mental health care and work hard to ensure that our services are easy to understand and affordable for all.
Our telehealth therapists in Tallahassee, FL, focus on a range of specialties, including:
- Depression Therapy
- Anxiety Therapy
- Stress Management
- First Break Psychosis
- Mood Disorders & Bipolar
- Panic Attacks & Panic Disorders
- Family Counseling
- Couples Counseling
- Grief & Loss
- Substance Use Disorder
- Business Consulting
- Wellness Coaching
Booking an Online Therapy Session is Easy at ZenZone Health
Some online counseling websites make booking a session convoluted and confusing. We strive to make the process streamlined and simple. We're also committed to matching you with quality therapists. In fact, the president of ZenZone Health conducts a free 15-minute assessment for every one of our new patients. By relying on a trained, licensed professionals, instead of an algorithm, we can pair you with a counselor who has experience best suited to your needs.
Here's how to Request Information:
Schedule Your Initial Appointment
Fill out the appointment request form on our website or call our office today to discuss how to Request Information with counseling online.
Ongoing Therapy
Once we have completed your initial appointment, you're in the Zone. At this point, you continue to make progress in your virtual coaching or therapy sessions.
Package Savings Program
We want to maintain and build on the progress you're making at ZenZone Health, which is why we created our wellness program, which helps make sure you're in the Zone you want and deserve to be in. This program is dedicated finding the right package for you, to schedule continual sessions 1x per week, 2x per month, what ever is right for you and the price point suited for you.
Navigating insurance for online counseling can be a headache, but we go out of our way to make it as easy as possible for you by working with many insurance companies and plans. In some instances, and depending on licensure, we can take your insurance. Please call or message us for more details.
FAQs About Online Counseling and Therapy from ZenZone Health
Therapy will be different for each person, depending on their issues and goals. Typically, sessions involve discussing current events, personal history, and progress from previous sessions. Therapy can be short-term or longer-term, and it's common to have regular weekly sessions. Active participation is important for results, and your therapist may suggest activities outside of sessions to support your progress. Therapy is for those ready to make positive changes, open to new perspectives, and willing to take responsibility for their lives.
Therapy can help with mental and emotional problems better than medication alone. Therapy does more than just treat symptoms; it also addresses the causes of distress and the behavior patterns that limit progress. An integrated approach to wellness is best for long-term growth and well-being. Your doctor can help you decide whether medication, therapy, or both are the right choice for you.
Everyone experiences difficult times in life, and while you may have effectively dealt with other challenges you've encountered, there's no shame in reaching out for extra assistance when you require it. Seeking therapy is actually a sign of self-awareness and strength, as it indicates that you recognize the need for support. By seeking therapy, you are demonstrating accountability for your current circumstances and showing a commitment to making a change. Therapy offers enduring advantages and guidance, equipping you with the necessary skills to avoid potential triggers, redirect harmful behaviors, and conquer any obstacles that come your way.
Now that you know more about what makes ZenZone Health different, let's dig deeper into the benefits of telehealth therapy sessions and who benefits the most from them.
Anxiety, Stress, and Depression: How ZenZone Telehealth Therapists in Tallahassee, FL Help
In today's fast-paced world, mental health disorders are increasingly common and impacting millions of lives worldwide. In the Southeast United States, the prevalence of these disorders has led to the development of specialized treatments and therapies. In this pursuit, ZenZone Health has emerged as a beacon of hope, offering exceptional services in depression therapy, anxiety therapy, and stress management.
A Personalized Approach to Mental Health
What sets ZenZone Health apart from other remote therapists is our personalized approach to therapy. We understand that every person who needs therapy has unique needs and goals. That's why we develop customized treatment plans that address those needs and goals in a structured, compassionate manner. By providing you with a custom treatment plan, we can help ensure that you get the highest quality, most effective interventions possible, leading to positive outcomes and enhanced quality of life.
Depression Therapy from ZenZone Health
Struggling with depression can feel like an ongoing battle, overshadowing everyday life. At ZenZone Health, our depression therapy brings a glimmer of hope to those facing this challenging condition. Our licensed therapists use proven techniques to create a supportive environment where individuals can explore their feelings and build effective coping strategies. By combining psychotherapy and counseling, patients are gently guided toward healing and self-discovery.
Stress and Anxiety Therapy at ZenZone Health
Chronic stress has become a widespread concern in today's modern society, impacting individuals of all age groups. ZenZone Health offers stress management programs that provide practical tools to effectively deal with life's pressures. Our experienced therapists empower clients with relaxation techniques and time management strategies to help achieve balance amidst the chaos.
Anxiety can feel overwhelming, making even simple tasks seem like huge challenges. At ZenZone Health, our anxiety therapy is customized to tackle the underlying issues that your brain won't let go of. Our therapists work closely with you, using cognitive-behavioral techniques and mindfulness practices to help you handle anxious thoughts and behaviors. Through personalized sessions, you can learn to take back control and live a more peaceful and balanced life.
Trauma & PTSD Therapy at ZenZone Health
At ZenZone Health, we understand that the aftermath of trauma can be debilitating, affecting every aspect of your life. Our specialized PTSD and trauma therapy programs are designed to help you regain control and find peace. Using evidence-based techniques, our compassionate therapists work with you to process traumatic experiences and develop coping strategies. Whether through cognitive-behavioral therapy, EMDR, or mindfulness practices, we provide a safe and supportive environment for healing. At ZenZone Health, we are dedicated to helping you move forward, reclaim your life, and achieve lasting well-being.
Exploring the Many Benefits of Online Counseling in Tallahassee, FL
Studies indicate that therapy is generally effective and offers numerous advantages. Therapy can help you recognize sources of distress, gain better self-understanding, and reach your goals. While traditional in-person counseling is an option for many, it's not for everyone. Here are some of the biggest benefits of online therapy:
Access to Support When Living in Remote Areas
Online therapy provides mental health support to individuals living in rural or remote areas who may not have access to traditional in-person therapy due to a lack of local mental health services. Seeking face-to-face therapy in such cases often involves long drives and significant time commitments, which can be challenging for those with busy schedules. However, with reliable internet access, telehealth therapy sessions offer a convenient and relatively quick way to access treatment that might otherwise be difficult to obtain.
Affordable and Convenient
While this wasn't always the case, modern counseling online is usually quite affordable and convenient. You can schedule therapy sessions from the comfort of your own home at times that suit you best. Plus, many states now mandate that insurance providers cover online therapy just like traditional therapy (you should contact your insurance company to see if telehealth counseling is covered). Add that to the fact that telehealth is generally affordable even without insurance coverage, and you can see why so many people check in with their counselors on a weekly and even daily basis.
Access to Counseling if You're Physically Disabled
When you're disabled physically, everyday tasks like getting dressed and running errands can be extremely frustrating. Unfortunately, disabled men and women often forego therapy because they can't make it to the therapist's office. Online therapy offers a way for people with disabilities or limited mobility to access mental health care. A therapist working from home may not have the facilities to cater to clients with different needs, but with online counseling, you can still access quality care.
Better Availability
Telehealth therapy sessions in Tallahassee, FL offer an easier way for people to connect with a counselor, especially for those who need help but might be deterred by various obstacles. Individuals struggling with mental health issues like social anxiety disorder, depression, mood disorders, or post-traumatic stress disorder may find it difficult to motivate themselves to seek out a therapist, book appointments, and travel to their office for the initial and subsequent meetings.
If booking an appointment with a traditional therapist isn't in the cards, it could be time to try counseling online.
Therapy is More Approachable
The internet has made mental health treatment more accessible. People might find it easier to discuss physical health problems with friends and family than mental health concerns. However, online access can help overcome the stigma associated with mental health issues. Teletherapy can also be a valuable tool for learning more about mental health and strengthening your psychological well-being, even if you're not struggling with mental health issues.
A Note from ZenZone Health: If you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal thoughts, contact the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by dialing 988 on your phone. You can contact this number 24/7, day or night.
When is the Best Time to Seek Counseling Online in Tallahassee, FL?
If you're reading this, chances are you or a loved one is struggling in life. You may be dealing with added stress at work, grieving after a traumatic life event, or working through a rocky relationship. Dealing with these issues alone can be challenging. But asking for help can be, too. That's especially true when you're dealing with mental health issues. Fortunately, a licensed therapist may be able to provide the support and tools you need to get back to a normal life. If you're wondering whether you need online counseling, keep these situations in mind.
Living with Substance Abuse Problems
Dealing with addictions, whether it's substance abuse or behavioral addictions like gambling, can feel incredibly daunting. Therapy is an essential part of the recovery process as it delves into the underlying causes of these issues. With help from remote therapists, you develop skills to help maintain sobriety and prevent relapses. For example, if you're struggling with alcohol addiction, an online therapist can help you identify triggers and teach you new, healthier ways to cope with those triggers instead of using alcohol.
Dealing with Relationship Issues
Relationship struggles can be a huge motivating factor for seeking therapy. These issues may involve friends, romantic partners, or family members. For instance, a couple may turn to couples counseling to address communication or trust issues. An online counselor can assist individuals in resolving these issues and developing improved communication skills, boundaries, and coping strategies.
Symptoms of a Mental Health Condition
Conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, ADHD, and PTSD can significantly disrupt daily life. Symptoms can manifest as constant feelings of worry or frequent headaches. Therapy, along with medication or lifestyle adjustments, can be an effective treatment for mental health. For example, a person with anxiety might learn relaxation techniques to manage stress levels with the help of a therapist. Similarly, someone experiencing depression may learn coping skills to maintain a more positive outlook on life.
New Challenges in Life
Dealing with common - albeit challenging - events in life, like losing a job, coping with grief, or undergoing major changes, can be very disruptive. If you find yourself losing interest in your usual activities, it could be a sign of a mental health condition like major depressive disorder. Therapy offers essential support and guidance for managing these issues, which can help individuals overcome their obstacles. For instance, a person grieving the loss of a loved one may benefit from online counseling as they navigate through their emotions. Similarly, someone who has relocated to a new city might find online therapy beneficial as they adapt to their new home, community, and workplace.
Trauma from Childhood
Childhood trauma can have a lasting impact on people as they mature. Virtual therapy with a licensed professional can assist people in processing these experiences and recovering from them, which may help them comprehend and address any existing issues. For instance, individuals who experienced neglect as children can work through feelings of abandonment in therapy, potentially alleviating the anxiety they may be feeling in their romantic relationship.
Nurturing Your Mental Health One Session at a Time
In the pursuit of mental wellness, ZenZone Health stands as your steadfast ally, offering specialized therapies that cater to a range of mental health and lifestyle challenges. Through our expertise in depression therapy, anxiety therapy, and stress management, we aren't just providing treatments; we're offering a lifeline to those struggling with mental health disorders. When you trust ZenZone Health for online therapy in Tallahassee, FL, you're taking the first step toward rediscovering joy in your life, one session at a time. Contact us today to learn more about telehealth therapy and how our providers can help you overcome the hurdles holding you back.
Latest News in Tallahassee, FL
Tallahassee’s historic Gladstone House, neighbor to the governor’s mansion, demolished Monday
Julie Montanarohttps://www.wctv.tv/2024/10/15/tallahassees-historic-gladstone-house-neighbor-governors-mansion-demolished-monday/
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - It was demolition day in Tallahassee.The Gladstone House near the corner of Monroe Street and Thomasville Road was dismantled piece by piece Monday, despite local historians' efforts to save it.As a bulldozer ripped down the walls of the building, it exposed some of the antique furnishings still inside, including bureaus, beds and a massive clawfoot tub that t...
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - It was demolition day in Tallahassee.
The Gladstone House near the corner of Monroe Street and Thomasville Road was dismantled piece by piece Monday, despite local historians' efforts to save it.
As a bulldozer ripped down the walls of the building, it exposed some of the antique furnishings still inside, including bureaus, beds and a massive clawfoot tub that tumbled from the top story.
The state of Florida purchased the former rooming house, saying it was a security risk to the governor’s mansion right behind it.
Several people stood just outside the fence today as the old Victorian-style mansion was torn down.
Cheryl Gibbons, a member of the Friends of Gladstone advocacy group, was in tears as she watched the house go down.
“My heart is broken,” Gibbons said. “We tried so hard to save it.”
The Tallahassee woman said she’s admired the house her whole life.
“I’ve seen this since I was a little girl, and I’m 77 now so it’s been a part of my whole life, and to see this beauty destroyed is heartbreaking," she said. “So I’m saying goodbye to a beautiful old lady."
Doug Smith’s family built the Gladstone more than 70 years ago, and he was there to watch its demolition, too. Smith, who now works with the Tallahassee Historical Society, consoled Gibbons as they watched the excavator crash through the walls of the historic building.
He says he’s glad they were at least able to save the Gladstone’s stained glass windows, which were seen stacked away from the destruction.
“I have mixed emotions, but this house was built by my family,” Smith said. “I said if anyone should be crying it should be me, not you.”
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End of an era: Tallahassee residents say their final goodbyes to the historic Gladstone house
Adrian Andrewshttps://news.wfsu.org/wfsu-local-news/2024-10-14/end-of-an-era-tallahassee-residents-say-their-final-goodbyes-to-the-historic-gladstone-house
The Victorian house is being torn down to make room for DeSantis' security team.Tallahassee neighbors say they were in disbelief Monday morning as they watched the demolition of one of the oldest Victorian homes in the area.Local residents and a handful of state officials from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, watched as a wrecking crew bulldozed the former Gladstone Mansi...
The Victorian house is being torn down to make room for DeSantis' security team.
Tallahassee neighbors say they were in disbelief Monday morning as they watched the demolition of one of the oldest Victorian homes in the area.
Local residents and a handful of state officials from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, watched as a wrecking crew bulldozed the former Gladstone Mansion in Downtown Tallahassee.
The old family home was built in 1897. It later served as a boarding place for World War II soldiers. Only the mansion’s stained-glass windows were preserved—everything else was turned to rubble.
“Yeah, they’re tearing it down, and I have mixed emotions about it," said J. Doug Smith, a seventh-generation Tallahassee native and the great grandnephew of the man who built the Gladstone home.
The Gladstone at 716 N. Monroe, formerly known as the E. L. White Boarding House, was built in 1897 and is the last Victorian home standing on Monroe. It is currently being torn down by the State of Florida for the sole purpose of improving the view to the Governor's Mansion 1/ pic.twitter.com/bQzC2CpJ7L
— Tallahassee History (@TLH_History) August 6, 2024
Smith said Monday that he’s sad to see it go, but finds joy in the fact that a piece of his family’s home will be kept safe in the Tallahassee Museum.
“I look at the positive part of it," said Smith. "The state is giving us, the Tallahassee Historical Society, the four stained glass windows. And we’ve already made arrangements to donate them to the Tallahassee Museum. So, they’ll still be around for people to see.”
The Gladstone was one of the oldest Victorian homes in Tallahassee. After years of abandonment, the state bought the property in June for half a million dollars. State authorities said they needed the house to be gone, because it posed "significant security issues” for the Governor’s Mansion, which sits directly behind it on Adams Street.
Governor Ron DeSantis has spent $2 million buying up similar historic buildings around Tallahassee to make room for security at the Governor’s Mansion.
The end: State demolishes historic Gladstone house in downtown Tallahassee
James Callhttps://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/2024/10/14/state-demolishes-historic-gladstone-house-in-downtown-tallahassee/75672416007/
The end of The Gladstone, the last of Monroe Street's historic downtown old homes, came shortly after 9 a.m. Monday.That's when Tom Berger, the deputy secretary of Florida's Department of Management Services, gave the all clear to a demolition crew to begin razing the 13-room Gilded Era mansion.A heavy-duty excavator moved across the Gladstone’s back yard, scooped up a concrete bench and fountain in its steel blade and dumped them on the back porch of the Queen Anne home.At that point, Cheryl Gibbons...
The end of The Gladstone, the last of Monroe Street's historic downtown old homes, came shortly after 9 a.m. Monday.
That's when Tom Berger, the deputy secretary of Florida's Department of Management Services, gave the all clear to a demolition crew to begin razing the 13-room Gilded Era mansion.
A heavy-duty excavator moved across the Gladstone’s back yard, scooped up a concrete bench and fountain in its steel blade and dumped them on the back porch of the Queen Anne home.
At that point, Cheryl Gibbons began to cry. The Gladstone served Tallahassee as a boarding house for more than 70 years; Gibbons called it a piece of her “Tallahassee timeline” as it was reduced to rubble.
“I’m 77 years old and I’ve seen this home since I was a little girl every time I’ve gone to the downtown area," she said. "My father stayed here when he was stationed at Camp Gordon Johnston during World War II.”
When the excavator – a compact-looking bulldozer – finished its work in the backyard, a bigger excavator with a huge claw at the end of a crane attacked the back of the house and its three tiers of roofs.
Sandi Brooks, a retired Leon County Schools employee, was among more than a dozen residents, state officials, and law enforcement who gathered under a grove of oak trees and watched a crew from Great Southern Demolition rip apart the walls of the Victorian mansion.
“This is just tearing me up. This is a piece of Tallahassee history that nobody, or evidently none of the higher-ups, cares about anymore,” Brooks said.
Brooks wore a T-shirt proclaiming, "Tallahassee, it's where my story begins." She added, “More than 70 years ago.”
How did we get here?
The state bought The Gladstone in June for $567,000 after a Florida Department of Law Enforcement vulnerability study found that the house, now vacant and fenced off, posed “significant security issues” for the governor’s mansion, which sits behind it on Adams Street.
Last month, a group of preservationists organized as "Friends of the Gladstone" pleaded with city officials and the state to delay the demolition long enough for it to raise money to move the 3,287-square-foot home.
Also in September the Legislature's Joint Administrative Procedures Committee (JAPC) told DMS, the state's real estate manager, that it was improperly considering The Gladstone's grounds part of the mansion's perimeter, which would otherwise exempt it from city permitting requirements.
DMS attorney Douglas Dolan, in a response to JAPC coordinator Kenneth Plante, respectfully disagreed with JAPC’s assertion. The two exchanged another round of letters without resolving the difference of opinion.
When asked for comment Monday, Berger referred a reporter to DMS’ communication office, which did not respond to phone calls and emails.
Berger declined to provide his name or any information to Bob Holladay, president of the Tallahassee Historical Society and part of the Friends of Gladstone group, or others watching the demolition. “There’s been a lack of communication (from DMS) since the beginning of this,” Holladay said.
Holladay said the destruction of the Gladstone represents “a lack of imagination,” saying state officials "find it easier to eliminate a historic building rather than come up with some sort creative use of them. We could have done that here, if it had been approached earlier. But there was a lack of communication.”
Doug Smith, great-grandnephew of Peter Theodore Mickler, who build the Gladstone as a family home was among the spectators. He said he wished the money could have been found to move the house. He managed to rescue four stained-glass windows and will donate them to the Tallahassee Museum.
“And for that, I’m extremely grateful. At least we’ll have something that the public can go and see. And I have old photographs of the house, I’m going to donate those to the museum as well,” Smith said.
James Call is a member of the USA TODAY NETWORK-Florida Capital Bureau. He can be reached at jcall@tallahassee.com and is on X as @CallTallahassee.
Fall Farm Tour: Meet your neighbor farmers, visit pumpkin patches and more
Rochelle Koffhttps://www.tallahassee.com/story/entertainment/things-to-do/2024/10/11/fall-farm-tour-2024-meet-farmers-in-north-florida-south-georgia/75594536007/
Whitney Burleson used to work in the software industry, sitting at a computer all day. Now, you’ll find her outside, where she loves to be, tending her crops and caring for the chickens.Burleson founded Neighbors Farm, located on a quarter acre of land in Northeast Tallahassee, where she lives with her husband, James, and their two children.“I got tired of going to the grocery store and seeing a lack of good food,” said Burleson, who also makes her own soap, sourdough bread and cookies. “W...
Whitney Burleson used to work in the software industry, sitting at a computer all day. Now, you’ll find her outside, where she loves to be, tending her crops and caring for the chickens.
Burleson founded Neighbors Farm, located on a quarter acre of land in Northeast Tallahassee, where she lives with her husband, James, and their two children.
“I got tired of going to the grocery store and seeing a lack of good food,” said Burleson, who also makes her own soap, sourdough bread and cookies. “We’re able to have an impact on what we eat, not just for our families but for the neighbors and people around us. And we can teach people to do this.”
You can learn how Burleson transformed her front yard into a space devoted to growing produce at the 17th Annual Fall Farm Tour on Oct. 12 and 13.
About 45 destinations will be opening their doors to the public for free, giving visitors a chance to meet the people who produce food in our region. These sites include farms, ranches, groves, wineries, gardens, nurseries – even an apiary – in North Central Florida and South Central Georgia. About a third of the destinations are new to the tour.
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“The focus and goal of the tour is for people to see active farms and sample products or produce” said Majken Peterzen, executive director of Millstone Institute for Preservation, which has been the Farm Tour host since 2016.
Although Millstone Institute is the tour organizer, the Madison County Tourist Development Council and Johnston's Old Fashioned Meat Market are the grand patrons of the 2024 Fall Farm Tour.
Oct. 12, incidentally, is National Farmers Day so what better way to celebrate both new farmers and those who have been working the land for generations.
“In general, I would say that small farms are one of the fastest growing industries in North Florida and South Georgia,” Peterzen said.
Many of the farms offer workshops, kids’ activities, free samples or products for sale, and most of all, a behind-the-scenes look at our agricultural world.
Here are some of the highlights
● Schmoe Farm in Quitman, Georgia, will be offering hay rides so you can see the farm’s chickens, turkeys and ducks. There will be other vendors and a mini farmers’ market. It’s at 1548 Greenville Hwy.
● You can watch cows being milked before noon (central time) at Marianna’s Cindale Farms and see where products are made. The creamery will be serving its homemade ice cream and coffee. The farm is at 3958 Old U.S. Road. The creamery is at 2884 Jefferson St.
● Tallahassee’s Millstone Institute will be creating a sustainability/artisan village featuring demonstrations such as woodwork, basketry, making grits and pottery and a long list of vendors. The Millstone kitchen will be open as well. It’s at 6500 Old Millstone Plantation Rd.
● At Rocky Soil Family Farm, owned by Kiona and Chris Wagner, wander along with the chickens, visit the gardens, bakery and smokehouse. A master chef, Chris Wagner will be making dishes from ingredients out of the garden. Rocky Soil is at 3137 Waukeenah Hwy. in Monticello.
● Louise Divine and her husband Herman Holley, will be demonstrating how to make cane syrup at their 89-acre Turkey Hill Farm in Tallahassee. The farm also grows ginger, turmeric, roselle and satsumas and will have apples from Mercier Orchards in Blue Ridge, Ga. There will be farm tours at 11 am., 2 and 4 p.m. Sunday. The cane syrup process begins in the morning (weather permitting).
Divine, co-founder of the Red Hills Small Farm Alliance, said she got the idea for a farm tour when she and Holley saw one during a trip to North Carolina in 2006.
Tour keeps growing organically
“We thought, ‘What a great idea,’ “ Divine said. She suggested the tour to New Leaf Market, which ran it for many years before the grocery store closed, and Millstone took it over.
“Every year, the tour gets bigger and bigger, growing organically,” Devine said. “It’s now much broader geographically but it’s remained true to its original purpose, which is to connect the community with their local food source.”
Moccasin Grove is a Tallahassee farm that easily connects to the community with its yearly pumpkin patch. The family farm will be open on Saturday and Sunday, offering five varieties of U-Pick pumpkins along with a corn maze and a corn pit for games.
Ryan Bass, owner of Moccasin Grove with wife Lizz, worked in construction for five or six years before going into farming. He works at Griffin Farms in Georgia as well as having his own farm.
Moccasin Grove also grows peaches, watermelon, sweet corn and their prime product, strawberries. “We have two acres of strawberries. We baby them during the winter until March when they can be picked.”
Sharing tips with home gardeners
The farm is a way to create the best life for his son, age 2, and his triplet daughters, born on Mother’s Day, Bass said.“Farming is something I always wanted to do,” he added.
Watching people enjoy the food they’ve grown “is rewarding in itself. They can come out and pick our brains.”
Whitney Burleson of Neighbors Farm is also interested in helping home gardeners during the farm tour.
“You can have direct access to people growing your food,” she said. “If you have a question about composting, just ask. Do you have trouble with something, just ask. Farmers are more than willing to share what they do and what they struggle with. You have open book access.”
Depending on the season, Burleson grows sweet potatoes, 10 varieties of tomatoes, broccoli, kale, lettuce, carrots, Swiss chard, collards, mustard greens and flowers. She also makes her own soap as well as sourdough bread and cookies, using eggs from their chickens.
Burleson will be presenting workshops on “Tools & Techniques for the Home Gardener” at 9:30 a.m. Saturday and 4 p.m. Sunday and “Walk the Garden with Whit” every hour from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and 1, 2 and 3 p.m. Sunday. Her children will operate a lemonade stand, with boiled peanuts.
The Neighbors’ Farm tour has “more of a home gardener vibe than a people with a tractor vibe,” Burleson said. “Not everything is perfect and dreamy but we can show people what they can do in their front yard.”
Rochelle Koff writes about food and dining at TallahasseeTable.com, on Facebook@TheTallahasseeTable and Twitter @tallytable. Reach her at TallahasseeTable@gmail.com.
Tips for the Tour
First, read the Farm Tour booklet, a guide to all the destinations and their schedules. You can download the guide at https://tinyurl.com/vh3f92wk
For questions, contact millstonefarmtour@gmail.com or call 850-294-3918.
Don’t bring pets but do carry suntan lotion, bug spray, water, a tote bag and cash in case the farm doesn’t take credit cards.
Bring a cooler if you intend to buy meat or produce.
Don’t feed farm animals without permission.
Football Friday Night: Oct. 11 scoreboard and full replay
WCTV Staffhttps://www.wctv.tv/2024/10/12/football-friday-night-oct-11-scoreboard-full-replay/
It’s week 8 of the high school football season in FL and week 9 in GATALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - Keep track of high school football across North Florida and South Georgia here. We’ll post the final scores as they come in.Missed last week’s games? You can watch the replay of Football Friday Night and find all the scores here.MatchupWinnerScore...
It’s week 8 of the high school football season in FL and week 9 in GA
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - Keep track of high school football across North Florida and South Georgia here. We’ll post the final scores as they come in.
Missed last week’s games? You can watch the replay of Football Friday Night and find all the scores here.
Matchup | Winner | Score |
Gadsden County at Florida High | Gadsden County | 42-11 |
Chiles at Lincoln | Lincoln | 33-3 |
Godby at Wakulla | Godby | 27-7 |
Leon at Marianna | Marianna | 49-17 |
Maclay at St. John Paul II | St. John Paul II | 40-30 |
FAMU DRS at NFC | NFC | 45-14 |
Baker County at Suwannee | Baker County | 27-17 |
Sneads at Jefferson County | Jefferson County | 21-13 |
Taylor County at Chiefland | Taylor County | 13-10 |
Lighthouse PCA at Aucilla Christian | Aucilla Christian | 27-12 |
Hilliard at Hamilton County | Hamilton County | 51-44 |
Franklin County at Wewahitchka | Franklin County | 21-14 |
Liberty County at Cottondale | Cottondale | 56-53 |
Choctawhatchee at Rickards (Thu.) | Choctaw | 31-7 |
Blountstown at Dixie County (Sat.) |
Matchup | Winner | Score |
Brooks County at Clinch County | Brooks County | 42-12 |
Colquitt County at Valdosta | Valdosta | 7-3 |
Lowndes at Tift County | Lowndes | 26-7 |
Monroe at Cairo | Cairo | 38-14 |
Thomasville at Fitzgerald | Thomasville | 23-8 |
Lanier County at Turner County | Turner County | 20-14 |
Terrell Academy at Valwood | Valwood | 42-6 |
Mitchell County at Pelham | Mitchell County | 52-34 |
Berrien at Worth County | Worth County | 47-0 |
Tattnall County at Cook | Cook | 42-21 |
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